Winder Wonderland DNA Project
Researching the genealogy of the Winder/Winders/Wynder/etc families.
Matches 1 to 50 of 3,317
# | Notes | Linked to |
1 | 2 males 0-10 (1790-1800) 1 male 10-16 (1784-1790) 1 male 16-26 (1774-1784) 1 male 26-45 (1755-1774) 2 fem 0-10 (1790-1800) 1 fem 16-26 (1774-1784) 1 fem 26-45 (1755-1774) | WINDERS, John (I10191)
2 | 1 male 15-19 (1821-1825) 1 male 40-49 (1791-1800) Samuel 1 male 50-59 (1781-1790) 2 fem under 5 (1835-1840) 1 fem 15-19 (1821-1825) 1 fem 20-29 (1811-1820) wife? | WINDERS, Samuel (I24059)
3 | 1 male 5-9 (1831-1835) 1 male 10-14 (1826-1830) 1 male 15-19 (1821-1825) 1 male 40-49 (1791-1800) Samuel 3 female under 5 (1836-1840) 2 females 5-9 (1831-1835) 1 female 10-14 (1826-1830) 1 female 20-29 (1811-1820) | WINDERS, Samuel (I24105)
4 | 1 male under 10 (1811-1820) 1 male 10-15 (1805-1810) 1 male 18-25 (1797-1802) 1 male 45 + (before 1775) John 1 female under 10 (1811-1820) 2 females 10-15 (805-1810) 1 female 26-44 (1776-1794) | WINDER, John (I24155)
5 | 1 male under 10 (1811-1820) 1 male 26-44 (1776-1794) 1 male 45+ (before 1775) 2 females under 10 (1811-1820) 1 female 26-44 (1776-1794) 1 female 45+ (before 1775) | WINDER, John (I24156)
6 | 1 male under 5 (1826-1830) Peter 2 males 5-9 (1821-1825) Nathaniel, Peter 1 male 10-14 (1816-1820) Robert 1 male 30-39 (1791-1800) Christopher 2 females under 5 (1826-1830) ?, ? 1 female 5-9 (1821-1825) Elizabeth 1 female 40-49 (1781-1790) Genette | WINDER, Christopher Figen (I16783)
7 | 2 males under 5 (1836-1840) Sweeney, Robert 2 males 5-9 (1831-1835) 1 male 10-14 (1826-1830) 1 male 30-39 (1801-1810) Samuel 1 female 10-14 (1826-1830) 1 female 15-19 (1821-1825) 1 female 30-39 (1801-1810) Ann | WINDER, Samuel G. (I20910)
8 | 4 males under 10 (1801-1810) 1 male 26-44 (1766-1784) Jacob 1 female 26-44 (1766-1784) | WINDER, Jacob (I24154)
9 | 1 male 16+ James 2 slaves 2 other free persons | WINDER, James (I23277)
10 | 1 male under 10 (1801-1810) 2 males 10-15 (1795-1800) 1 male 45+ (before 1765) 1 female 26-44 (1766-1784) 6 slaves | WINDER, John (I24152)
11 | 1 male under 10 (1801-1810) 1 male 26-44 (1766-1784) John 1 female under 10 (1801-1810) 1 female 16-25 (1785-1794) 1 female 26-44 (1766-1784) | WINDER, John (I24151)
12 | 1 male 0-4 yrs (1836-1840) 2 males 5-9 yrs (1831-1835) 1 male 40-49 yrs (1791-1800) William Winder 1 female 30-39 yrs (1801-1810) | WINDER, William (I17738)
13 | 1 male 10-14 yrs (1826-1830) William 1 male 15-19 yrs (1821-1825) James 1 male 20-29 yrs (1811-1820) Moses jr 1 male 80-89 yrs (1751-1760) Moses 1 female 20-29 yrs (1811-1820) Sarah 1 female 50-59 yrs (1781-1790) Clarinda | WINDER, Moses (I11324)
14 | 1 male 16-25 (1795-1804) Edward 1 male > 45 (bef 1775) John 1 female 10-16 (1804-1810) daughter Tabitha 1 female 16-26 (1795-1804) Mary | WINDERS, John (I13539)
15 | 1 male 45+ (bef 1775) James 1 female 10-15 (1805-1810) ? 1 female 45+ (bef 1775) Elizabeth | WINDER, James (I431)
16 | 1 male < 10 (1810-1820) Samuel 1 male 16-25 (1795-1804) Jonathan 1 female 16-25 (1795-1804) Barbara | KNODLE, Jonathan (I22032)
17 | 1 male < 5 (1835-1840) Jacob Jr 1 male 5-9 (1830-1835) Elias 1 male 10-14 (1825-1830) John 1 male 30-39 (1800-1810) Jacob Sr 1 Female <5 (1835-1840) Lavina 1 female 5-9 (1830-1835) Urilla 2 females 10-14 (1825-1830) Mary E., Sarah Jr, 1 female 30-39 (1800-1810) Sarah Sr | WINDERS, Jacob (I25205)
18 | 1820 census 1 male under 10 (1811-1820) 1 male 45+ (before 1765) Samuel 1 female 16-25 (1785-1794) wife? Mary Jackaway, Widow, 2 doors down | WINDERS, Samuel (I24056)
19 | 2 males 10-15 (1785-1790) David, Daniel 2 males 16-25 (1775-1785) James Jr, ? 1 male 45+ (bef 1755) James Sr 2 females < 10 (1790-1800) Katherine, Elizabeth Jr. 1 female 16-25 (1775-1785) Sarah 1 female 45+ (bef 1755) Elizabeth Sr. | WINDER, James (I431)
20 | 2 males under 10 (1801-1810) 1 male 10-15 (1795-1800) 1 male 26-44 (1766-1784) James 3 females under 10 (1801-1810) 1 female 26-44 (1766-1784) | WINDER, James (I23255)
21 | «a href="http://www.daytonhistorybooks.com/page/page/1693023.htm"»Dayton History Books«/a» CAPT. JOHN H. WINDER, [pages 849-853] a retired business man of Dayton, Ohio, was born in Funkstown, Washington county, Md., October 22, 1832. His parents, John and Rebecca (Schlencker) Winder, were also natives of Maryland, and of German descent. John Winder was born in 1812 and his wife in 1808, and in 1835 they came to Ohio and located on a farm twelve miles north of Dayton, whence they removed to Centerville, Ind., but returned to Dayton in 1847. Of their children, beside John H., one son and one daughter are still living\emdash Silas D., a brick-layer, and Julia A., widow of William Snell, both residents of Dayton. The mother of these children died in this city in 1888, but the father survived until 1892, when he, too, was called away, both, it will be seen, having lived to the advanced age of eighty years. John H. Winder was a mere babe when brought to Ohio by his parents, and a lad of about fifteen years when they settled in Dayton permanently..... | WINDER, Capt. John H. (I24145)
22 | WINDER, Daniel (I14807)
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23 | WINDER, Edmond B. (I16631)
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24 | WHETSTONE, Mary Eliza (I17722)
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25 | WINDER, Ruth (I20622)
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26 | WINDER, James (I23255)
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27 | 1 male 0-10 1790-1800 1 male 10-15 1785-1790 1 male 26-45 1755-1774 Samuel Winder 2 fem 0-10 1790-1800 1 fem 10-15 1785-1790 2 fem 16-26 1774-1784 1 fem 26-45 1755-1774 | WINDER, Samuel (I5184)
28 | 1 male 16-25 (1785-1794) Henry 1 female under 10 (1801-1810) 1 female 16-25 (1785-1794) | WINDER, Henry (I5201)
29 | Ancestry.com Database: Daughters of Utah Pioneers Obituary Scrapbook Obituary Scrapbook Thomas A. Williams Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Williams will observe the fiftieth anniversary of their wedding day, Wednesday, Nov. 22, at their residence 520 east Second South street, the home in which they have lived practically their entire married life. Mr. Williams, prominent in public Church and business affairs of the city for many years, was born at Draper in January, 1861, the son of T. V. and Pernecy Allen Williams. Mrs. Williams was Susan Winder, daughter of John R. and Ellen Walters Winder, and was born in Salt Lake in November, 1861. Mr. Williams was educated at St. Marks and the University of Deseret and in 1876 started work as a salesman for the Z. C. M. I.. He served on a Church mission to the southern states in 1887 and 1888. He was manager of the Utah Stove & Hardware company from 1888 to 1896, and since that time he has been a manufacturer's selling agent. He served two terms as member of the state pure foods bureau, three terms on the state industrial school board, two terms as a regent of the University of Utah, as counselor to Bishop Hyrum B. Clawson of the Twelfth ward, as bishop of the ward for five years, and for the past 15 years as a member of the Ensign stake high council. Mrs. Williams has also been active in Church and civic affairs working in the Relief Society for a number of years as a member of the Ensign stake presidency. Mr. and Mrs. Williams have seven children, Mrs. John K. Hardy, Mrs. Henry G. Richardson, Mrs. Edwin S. Felt, Gilbert W., Frank W., Rex W., and Allen W. Williams; also 23 grandchildren. The entire family with the exception of three are residents of Salt Lake. Reception Honors Couple On Their Golden Wedding An at home gathering will be held Wednesday from 7:30 to 11:30 p.m. at the residence, 520 east Second South street, to which friends of the family are invited. | WINDER, Susan Sophia (I13101)
30 | «a href="«u»http://boards.ancestry.com/mbexec/msg/rw/Ek.2ADE/3649"»«/u»Message Board Post:«/a» Joshua Winder was born in Muskingum County, Ohio about the year 1825. Eliza Glass was born in Ohio, about the year 1825. These are my great-grandparents. This is all the information I have on their backgrounds. Joshua was in the Civil War and I received all his information from the goverment but he did not have the information sheet telling about him. This is my brick wall. I know Joshua died 27 July 1896, because of the GAR record. I do not know where he died, I believe in Tecumseh, IN, nor do I know where he is buried. Eliza died 13 Feb 1869 and is buried in Hay Cemetery, Tecumseh, IN. Joshua had a second wife. Elizabeth Tennis Barnett Winder, she died 22 Dec 1903, I know this from the Civil War pension she was receiving. I believed she died in Tecumseh, IN. also but I can not find where she is buried, I hope she and Josua are buried together and if I find one I will find the other. Joshua had 11 children: James M., Chauncey, A.B.(male), John Wesley, Lucy, Alonzo, M.(girl), Calvin G., Laura, all with Eliza his first wife. Elizabeth and Joshua had Emma and Annie. Thank you for your help. Source: INVIGO@rootsweb.com Author: lrboyles Surnames: Winder, Winters, Glass «http://boards.rootsweb.com/localities.northam.usa.states.indiana.counties.vigo/5974/mb.ashx» Message Board Post: Thank you for telling me where they (Joshua and his second wife Elizabeth) were buried, Sheperds Cemetery, Sheperdsville, IN. Joshua and Eliza had 11 children that I know of. Some of Joshua's Children changed their names to Winters. I would like to find Joshua's relatives, as I know nothing about his parents or any brothers or sisters. I believe Eliza Glass might also have some relatives in these parts. There was a Rebecca Glass that married a Alphurs Winters. Any help would be appreciated. According to Robert L. Winder (Apr 2007): I checked down the line in the census, and note that Joshua Winters[sic] is in the 1850 census in Census District #21, Vermilion County, Illinois, family #1291. That is very interesting to me, because I seem to have several Winder folks there descended from John Winder, who moved into Ohio in 1797. In 1850 Joshua and Eliza's children are listed as James, age 5, born Ohio, and Chancey, age 1, born Ohio. Johua was still in the census in 1860, with the children as shown in Winder Wonderland, but then he was living in Perry Topwnship, Lawrence Co., IN, occupation farm laborer. In the 1870 Census I found three of James and Eliza's children living with Chancey White, blacksmith, and his family in Posey Township, Clay Co., IN, post office Center Point household/family # 124/124. Chancey White was 62m born in NY, as was his wife (or sister), Rosina, age 67, who was the housekeeper. Wesley Winder, 17, Jane Winder 11, and Chancey Winder, 22. According to the census record Chancey was born in Ohio, while Wesley and Jane - [snip] [identified as Mary Jane Winder, daughter of Alpheus and Rebecca] - are listed as having been born in Indiana. There was a Quaker settlement in Vermilion County, Ill, but I don't know its exact location. Maybe Henshaw's works can shed some light on that. I am also thinking that there may have been some Indian land opened to settlement by whites around 1840 or a bit later along the Vermilion River in Ill and Indiana. Ann Winder, Oct 2009: The 1860 Federal Census for Perry, Lawrence Co, IN shows Joshua Winders as head of household, age 26. Also in the household are James M. Winders aged 14 and Chauncy Winders, aged 10. I doubt that Joshua was the father of these two. Indeed, James M Winders and Chauncy Winders claim to be BROTHERS of Alfred Winders providing affidavits for Alfreds pension funds. Therefore, I am changing these two to be sons of James and Lucinda. | WINDERS, Joshua (I11022)
31 | Children info from Martha Smith 7/28/2000. 2 i. Mary7 Winders. 3 ii. Elizabeth Winders. 4 iii. Emily Winders. 5 iv. James R. Winders. 6 v. Daniel Winders. 7 vi. Nancy Winders. 8 vii. Samuel Winders. 9 viii. Susanah Winders In 1850 living next door to John and Sarah Winders From Johnny Walker (jun 2002): See History of Howard and Cooper COunty, 1883, pp. 957-958 Census: 1850, Cooper Co., Missouri, no. 367-368 Residence: 1829, Cooper Co., Missouri Will: 10 Dec 1850, Cooper Co., Missouri, p. 148, recorded 30 Apr 1855 Edward and Nancy (Wooldridge] Winders were said to have had a total of 12 children. | WINDERS, Edward (I13571)
32 | Date: Sun, 1 Jul 2001 21:19:56 -0600 From: fted@bnin.net (Karen Fairfield) To: OHPORTAG-L@rootsweb.com Searching for information regarding Joseph Miner/Minor of Porgage Co. Ohio in 1850. Married Sarah Winder. They moved to Elkhart County Indiana. Joseph died in the Civil War at Stones Mountain. Need info of his family or sibs. | MINER, Joseph (I10716)
33 | From: Sent: Saturday, September 23, 2000 7:38 PM Looking for anyone related to the following: [snip] George Leroy MORRILL b. 28 Jun 1911 m. Bernice WINDER two sons - Leo MORRILL Donald MORRILL Anything greatly appreciated. Darla LeFEVER Lewis From: "Darla LeFEVER Lewis" Sent: Saturday, September 23, 2000 11:30 AM Source: GC-Smith Queries URL: http://genconnect.rootsweb.com/gc/FamilyAssoc/Smith/883 Looking for descendents of Viola May SMITH & George MORRILL m. 11th Nov 1902 in Clarian, IA. Had two sons: Johnnie Cline MORRILL b. 16th Feb 1908 m. Edythe PARRIOTT one child Larry MORRILL George Leroy MORRILL b. 28th Jun 1911 m. Bernice Winder two children: Leo MORRILL and Donald MORRILL From: Sent: Tuesday, November 28, 2000 3:30 PM Hi Ann, I don't have much on Bernice Winder but here's what I have: Bernice Winder married George Leroy MORRILL b. 28 Jun 1911 in Chicago, IL. they had two sons: Leo and Donald MORRILL. George Leroy MORRILL's parents were George MORRILL and Viola May (SMITH) - they were married 11 Nov 1902 in Clarian, Iowa and his brother was Johnnie Cline MORRILL b. 16 Feb 1908. I also have information on Viola May SMITH's parents and some of her siblings - her mother is my gg grandmother, Margaret Caroline SMITH. Two of Viola May's sisters married brothers, Charles and Francis LeFEVER. Charles LeFEVER being my great grandfather. [snip] Darla | WINDER, Elsie Bernice (I24570)
34 | From: CFINCchism@aol.com Sent: Thursday, February 27, 2003 9:44 PM I know very little about Thad Winders except that he married my ggrandmothers sister. They, of course were Verners. Eliza's sister, Sarah Clementine Verner was my grandfathers mother. I know where the old Verner place is and the Verner family cemetery is on the homeplace. Sarah Clementine married James Madison Smith, their son, James Woodie, my grandfather, James David, my father. I was born in 1945, and the last of my family to be born in the Bartahatchie bottom of Monroe Co. Ms. I've learned to preface everything with a "at least I think". My father has been gone many years, but my Mother is 87 years old and has a very sharp memory. She is not from Ms. but lived "in the bottom" for many years and was well versed in my fathers history. The Verner family was a very important part of the community. So far as I know there isn't one by the name in this part of the country. Many of them went on to Texas. Sarah Clementine and Eliza's Mother, Sarah Jane Whitworth Verner went on to Texas as a widow and died there. Her husband Charles Julius, is buried at Verner. You may have more info on them than I do. Would love to share. Jeanette Smith Chism | VERNER, Eliza Jane (I15408)
35 | From: ELLEN M. RIGSBY errigsby2@apex.net Sent: Sunday, December 07, 2003 2:26 PM Hi, I found your website & wanted to tell you my husband, Bob Rigsby is from your Rigsby line you have in your family history. His grandfather was Louis P. Rigsby who was married to Elizabeth "Lizzie" Chambers. Lizzie died in 1896 while giving birth to her child. A doctor by the name of Dr. B. Marvel was charged with her murder. I was wondering if I find any info. on your website, if I could add it to mine. I have quite a bit of info. sent to me by Mary Singleton in KY. If you would like to know more about Louis P. Rigsby and our family, I will gladly send you what I have. Louis was born Jan. 14, abt. 1843. I am told in Chattanooga, TN. but can't verify. He died, Oct. 1917 & buried at Hogan Cemetery in Shawneetown, Ill. Louis & Lizzie had 4 sons plus a baby that died when she did in 1896. | CHAMBERS, Elizabeth (I21626)
36 | Hi All, just found something on Ancestry . com that is a puzzle, i have the info for Edward as listed below, but a Gene Pool has this info on a Nancy Wooldridge, has anyone else seen this?? Who is Gene Pool ?? Nancy Wooldridge 1846 TN m ?? Winders Parents--Samuel Wooldridge Margaret Edward6 Winders (John5, John4, John3 Winder, John2, John1) was born Abt. 1794, and died 1855 in cooper, Mo.. He married Nancy Wooldridge April 21, 1823 in Todd Co.,Ky.. Notes for Edward Winders: Children info from Martha Smith 7/28/2000. Children of Edward Winders and Nancy Wooldridge are: 2 i. Mary7 Winders. 3 ii. Elizabeth Winders. 4 iii. Emily Winders. 5 iv. James R. Winders. 6 v. Daniel Winders. 7 vi. Nancy Winders. 8 vii. Samuel Winders. 9 viii. Susanah Winders this is other info i found on the Winders from the Gene Pool info Edward 1804 Of Duplin, , NC m. Laney Winders - Parents-- James Winders Anne Bowden Edward 1841 Of Duplin, , NC """"" Edward Winders Laney Winders Alice 1858 Of Duplin, , NC Parents----- Edward Winders Laney Winders Ann J. 1835 Of Duplin, , NC """"""----- Edward Winders Laney Winders David J 1837 Duplin, , NC """"""""""Edward Winders Laney Winders. John G.1843 Of Duplin, , NC """""""""""Edward Winders Laney Winders John 1846 Of Duplin, , NC """""""""" Edward Winders Laney Winders Martha 1839 Of Duplin, , NC """""""""" Edward Winders Laney Winders Mary 1861 Of Duplin, , NC ,""""""""" Edward Winders Laney Winders Nancy A.1856 Of Duplin, , NC """""""""Edward Winders Laney Winders Sarah 1851 Of Duplin, , NC Parents------Edward Winders Laney Winders William E .1853 Of Duplin, , NC """""""""-Edward Winders Laney Winders Gene Pool Ind. Records Ancestry . Com All WINDERS Name Birth Date Birth Place Death Date Death Place Marriage Date Marriage Place Father Mother John 1765 Of, Duplin, NC m. 8 August 1787 Duplin, ,Tabby New ,--Parents- John Winders Bright Catherine 6 January 1791 Usa, NC 1862 , ,17 August 1813 , m Winders Bright Parent?? John Charles 1798 Duplin, , NC , Spouse-- Sallie Winders Parents-- -- James Winders Anne Bowden Flora 1824 Of Duplin, , NC , , Parents Charles Winders Sallie Winders Stephen 1802 Of Duplin,,NC , spouse Dorthy Sloan- Parents--------James Winders Anne Bowden Dorthy E. 1827 Of Duplin, , NC """"""" Stephen Winders Dorthy Sloan Henry J.1837 Duplin, , NC """""""" Stephen Winders Dorthy Sloan Hepsey C.1826 Duplin, NC"""""""" Stephen Winders Dorthy Sloan. Maggie 1829 Duplin, , NC"""""""""Stephen Winders Dorthy Sloan Margret 1845 Duplin, , NC ,""""""""" Stephen Winders Dorthy Sloan Mary L.1839 Duplin, , NC """""""""Stephen Winders Dorthy Sloan Rachel J.1843 Duplin, , NC """""""""Stephen Winders Dorthy Sloan Sarah Ann 1835 Duplin, , NC """""""" Stephen Winders Dorthy Sloan Sophrinia 1830 Of Duplin, , NC Parents------ Stephen Winders Dorthy Sloan Stephen J 1834 Of Duplin, , NC """"""""""""Stephen Winders Dorthy Sloan Sue W.. 1842 Duplin, , NC """""""""""Stephen Winders Dorthy Sloan William D.1831 Of Duplin, , NC """"""""""Stephen Winders Dorthy Sloan William O.1841 Duplin, , NC """"""""""Stephen Winders Dorthy Sloan Martha J Torrans 1872 Warsaw Twp, Duplin Co, NC Parents-Thomas Kenan Torrans Civil A Winders Thomas Kenan Torrans 1827 Warsaw Twp, Duplin Co, NC Magnolia Twp, Duplin Co, NC, 1857 Duplin Co, ,m Civil A. Winders -------- Parents- Henry Gaston Williamson Charity Ann Williamson Anthony Winders 1856 , , IA , , , , , Joseph Winders Mary George 1857 , , IA , , , , , Parents-----Joseph Winders Mary James 1821 , , PA , , , , , Joseph Winders Alice James 1850 , , PA , , , , , Joseph Winders Mary John 1859 , , IA , , , , , Joseph Winders Mary Joseph 1825 , , PA , , , , , Mary Joseph Winders Alice Joseph 1848 , , PA , , , , , Joseph Winders Mary Nannie 1854 , , IA , , , , , Joseph Winders Mary Riley A 1874 , Hamilton, IN , , Charles Winders Elizabeth Thomas Sarah A 1834 , , PA , , , , , Joseph Winders Alice Christine Grimes Thacker From: Sent: Monday, October 02, 2000 11:06 AM Source: NCDUPLIN-L@rootsweb.com Subject: Re:Edward/Stephen Winders (Gene Pool)& Jno.C. Hi All I sent the info below and please check your files, because there are errors , i went back over the census and will list what i found, someone sent what the LDS has on Edward Winders and they have tha same info that was on the Gene Pool.SOME PEOPLE HAVE THAT EDWARD AND STEPHEN WINDERS WERE THE SONS OF JAMES WINDERS SR & ANN bOWDEN but look at the dates on the census as when b, Ann Bowden b ca 1761 and Edward bca 1812/13& Stephen b ca 1815/16 ?? I do not have either in my data because of the dates and i don't really think that these are the parents of Edward & Stephen Winders. THERE WAS ONLY 2 PEOPLE WHO REPLIED TO THE MESSAGE SO I AM HOPING THE OTHERS WORKING THE WINDERS LINE ARE CORRECTING THEIR INFO :-). I AM SO SORRY IF I HAVE MESSED ANYONE UP BY SENDING THE INFO FROM THE GENEPOOL, BUT AT LEAST IT WILL BE KNOWN THAT IF I SEE AN ERROR, OR HAVE SOME, I DO TRY TO CORRECT IT :-).CGT. GOOD LUCK TO ALL Below is what i sent (/28/2000) will put correctins or Questions in CAPS Hi All, just found something on Ancestry . com that is a puzzle, i have the info for Edward as listed below, but a Gene Pool has this info on a Nancy Wooldridge, has anyone else seen this?? Who is Gene Pool ?? Nancy Wooldridge 1846 TN m ?? Winders Parents--Samuel Wooldridge Margaret (HAS ANYONE GOT A CENSUS TO VERIFY WHEN THIS NANCY WAS B ?? ) Edward6 Winders (John5, John4, John3 Winder, John2, John1) was born Abt. 1794, and died 1855 in cooper, Mo.. He married Nancy Wooldridge April 21, 1823 in Todd Co.,Ky.. this is other info i found on the Winders from the Gene Pool info Edward 1804 Duplin,NC m. Laney Winders -(1850/1860 has b1813/12) Parents-- James Winders Anne Bowden CHILDREN of Edward Winders Laney Winders Edward 1841 Duplin, NC ( b1843/42) Alice 1858 Duplin, NC (not in 1860 census) Ann J.1835 Duplin,NC (bca1835, not in 1860 census) David J 1837 Duplin,NC (1837/38) John G.1843 Duplin,NC (1843/44) John 1846 Duplin,NC (NOT LISTED IN1850 or 1860 ) Martha 1839 Duplin,NC ( 1839/10). Mary 1861 Of Duplin,NC ( Do not have 1870 census ) Nancy A.1856Duplin,NC (NO NANCY IN 1860 CENSUS) Sarah 1851 Of Duplin,NC (NOT LISTED """"""""""" ) William E .1853 Of Duplin, (NC NOT LISTED """""""""""""" ) Gene Pool Ind. Records Ancestry . Com Catherine 6 January 1791 Usa, NC 1862 , ,17 August 1813 , m Winders Bright Parent?? John (HAVE NOT CHECKED THIS ) Charles1798 Duplin,NC Spouse-- Sallie Winders Parents--James Winders Anne Bowden (THE ONLY CHARLES WINDERS BCA 1804 I FOUND WAS 1850 CENSUS M T0 A CATHERINE AGE 50, WITH REBECCA WADE IN HH AGE 25.) Flora 1824 Of Duplin, , NC , , Parents Charles Winders Sallie Winders Stephen 1802 Of Duplin,,NC , spouse Dorthy Sloan- (Census 1850 has age 35 (bca1815) Dorothy age 32 bca1838 ) Parents--------James Winders Anne Bowden CHILDREN OF Stephen Winders Dorthy Sloan (1850/1860 census) Dorthy E. 1827Duplin,NC (1860 CENSUS AGE 6,B.CA 1854) Henry J.1837 Duplin,NC (looks like henry t. in 1850age 13,1860 Henry J. 20). Hepsey C.1826 Duplin,NC (AGE 1 1850, AGE 12 1860). Maggie 1829 Duplin,NC (NOT LISTED) Margret 1845 Duplin,NC (age 5 1850,NOT LISTED 1860) Mary L1839 Duplin,NC (LOOKS LIKE MARY L IN 1850 AGE 11,MARY S IN 1860 AGE 20) Rachel J.1843 Duplin, NC ( NOT IN 1850 OR 1860 CENSUS.) Sarah Ann 1835 Duplin,NC (1850 AGE 15,1860 AGE25) Sophrinia 1830 Duplin,NC ( 1860 AGE 3 B.CA 1857) Stephen J 1834 Duplin,NC( 1860 age 9 B,CA 1851). Sue W.. 1842 Duplin, NC ( NOT LISTED IN CENSUS). William D.1831 Duplin,NC (LISTED AS WM D. IN 1850 AGE 7) William O.1841 Duplin,NC (SAME PERSON AS ABOVE BUT LISTED AS WM O. AGE18, B.CA 1852/53 ) Martha J Torrans 1872 Warsaw Twp, Duplin Co, NC Parents-Thomas Kenan Torrans Civil A Winders Thomas Kenan Torrans 1827 Warsaw Twp, Duplin Co, NC Magnolia Twp, Duplin Co, NC, 1857 Duplin Co, ,m Civil A. Winders -------- question; DOES ANYONE KNOW IF THE ABOVE IS TRUE??? IN THE 1850 CENSUS OF DUPLIN CO,PAGE 72 #366/366 HAS A CIVIL AGE 8 AS A DAU OF HENRY AGE 62 & DOROTHY AGE 52 NOW TO THE CORRECTION OF JNO. C SON OF THE ABOVE HENRY & DOROTHY, WHOEVER SENT THE INFO ABOUT THIS JNO C. M OCTAVIA bRYAN NEEDS TO CHANGE THAT INFO. DO NOT KNOW WHAT HAPPEN TO THIS SON OF HENRY, BUT HE WAS B IN N.C. AND THE JOHN COC WINDERS THAT M OCTAVIA BRYAN IN WAKE CO.,NC, WAS B IN MARYLAND, HE WAS WORKING WITH THE R.R. IN 1870 IN NEW HANOVER CO.N.C. WIFE WAS IN WAKE CO., WITH HER MOTHER ? MARY BRYAN,AGE 69. Christine Grimes Thacker | WINDERS, Stephan O. (I16236)
37 | John W. Young Company | WINDER, John Rex (I13079)
38 | Male before 1775 William Male 1810-1820 Aaron Male 1804-1810 William Male 1804-1810 Joseph Male 1794-1802 Benjamin Female before 1775 Adah Female 1810-1820 Asenath Female 1804-1810 Tamer Female 1794-1802 Mary | WINDER, William (I5614)
39 | Mary Ella JOHNSON, third child of Lawrence and Mary (WINDER) JOHNSON, was born in Philadelphia, September 22, 1841. After spending five years in Professor Cleveland's school in Philadelphia, she traveled in Great Britain, Europe, Egypt, the Sinaitic Peninsula, Palestine and Syria, as well as the rock-hewn city of Petra, to which, it is said, no ladies had previously ventured with the exception of two English ladies, somewhat earlier in the same year. Miss JOHNSON married, December 4, 1862, William D. STUART of Philadelphia, who died April 7, 1863, leaving no children. Mrs. STUART married a second time, January 11, 1870, Dr. James Chester MORRIS, of Philadelphia, by whom she has eight children, all residing in Philadelphia. | JOHNSON, Mary Ella (I5978)
40 | Mary H. Winder was born circa 1790. She was the daughter of Houlder B. Hudgins and Mary Gwyn of Mathews County, Virginia. Mary married Gabriel Haller and received Chesterville as a wedding gift from her father in 1808.2 Gabriel and Mary had a daughter, Louisa, later that year. Gabriel Haller died shortly after Louisa's birth, and within a few years Mary remarried. Mary's second husband was Dr. George Harmanson Winder, a descendant of Governor George Yeardley of Virginia and a relative of Governor Levin Winder of Maryland. Dr. Winder, too, predeceased his wife, and in the 1830 U.S. Federal Census, Mary is listed as the head of the household with six children living at home. Mary died in 1845 and was buried in the small family cemetery on her property. She left the Chesterville house and property to her first child, daughter Louisa Haller. | HUDGINS, Mary Gwynn (I1496)
41 | Mill Creek Settlement | GROOM, Bright Marshall (I13787)
42 | Miss Nancy Ashcraft was born in Ohio, February 21, 1828. and died at the home of her son Egbert, August 16, 1919, being 91 years 5 months and 21 days old. When a girl, her parents moved to Indiana. Here she grew to Womanhood, and in this state found the companion of her life. On October 20, 1851 she was united in marriage to George W. Winder. In the year 1866 Mr. and Mrs Winder moved to Lawrence, Kansas. Their stay in Kansas was a short one, and in the year 1869 they moved to Burt County, Nebraska. Five years later in 1874 they moved to Antelope County, being numbered among the first settlers in this county, and here they have resided ever since. There were born to Mr. & Mrs George Winder seven children, four daughters and three sons. Two daughters and her beloved husband have preceded her on that journey from which no traveler has ever returned. There are left to mourn her loss Mrs. Mary Johnson of San Diego, California, Egbert Winder of Tilden, Homer Winder of Oakland, California, Margaret Wurnth of Omaha, and Ira Winder of Denver, Colorado. Mrs. Nancy Winder has lived more than the alloted years of life, and like the psalmist of old said her last years have been made up of suffering and sickness. For more than eight years she has been an invalid,and the last three years she has been confined to her room and bed. Everything was done for her that loved ones could do to make her comfortable, and especially is this true for Mrs. Egbert Winder who so patiently and faithfully attended and cared for Mrs. Nancy Winder through all these years, and the last few months where she became a constant care. It is only natural to mourn the loss of loved ones, and yet in this case we know it was best for God to call her from her life of suffering that she may rest from her labor and be with him. Funeral services were held at the Methodist church, Sunday afternoon, Rev. Henry Zinneker officiating. Interment was made in the Tilden cemetery. Card of Thanks. We can never repay our friends and neighbors for their kindness during the long illness and after the death of our mother. We can only express to you our sincere thanks, assuring you that every kind act and word was appreciated. | ASHCRAFT, Nancy (I385)
43 | Obituary of Robert L. "Bob" Winder MIFFLIN Robert L. "Bob" Winder, 91, of Mifflin, died Tuesday, Dec. 11, 2012, in the Emergency Room of Lewistown Hospital. Born Aug. 19, 1921, in Marion, Ohio, he was a son of the late William Clark and Mary Frances (Cain) Winder, Jr. He is survived by his wife, Rosemary A. (Lauthers) Winder, whom he married on June 26, 1945 in Oberlin, Ohio; four children, John H. Winder and wife, Mary Lou, of Silver Spring, Md.; Deborah M. Schultz and husband, Peter, of Lewes, Del., Sally J. Winder and husband, John McCrea, of Newville, and Andrew L. Winder and wife, Mindy, of Mifflintown; nine grandchildren: Alexander D. Winder, Helen C. Mendez, Nicholas A. Schultz, Benjamin W. Schultz, Rosemary K. McCrea, Abigail R. McCrea, Samuel B. Winder, Kate E. Gregorio and Rebecca S. Winder; two great-grandchildren, Alejandro and Mireya Mendez; and several nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by two brothers, Charles W. Winder and Paul E. Winder. Bob graduated from the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy and from Oberlin College in 1947, Class of 1943. He was in the US Naval Reserve from 1942 to 1958 and was on active duty in the Office of Naval Intelligence from 1950 to 1952. He was employed in the US Civil Service where he received the meritorious Civil Service Award. He was a member of the American Civil Liberties Union, the American Field Services Committee, the Juniata Co. Historical Society where he helped to computerize historical records, and was active with the Winder DNA Genealogy Project. At one time, he owned and operated the American House of Music in East Waterford. He was a ham radio operator, a GED tutor, volunteered at the Carlisle Natural Foods Co-op, was a former Milford Township auditor, and collected information concerning Civil War persons for the National Archives in Washington, D.C. There will be a gathering of family and friends on Friday, Dec. 28, 2012, from 1 p.m. until the time of the memorial service at 2 p.m. at Guss Funeral Home, Inc., 20 S. Third St., Mifflintown. There will be no viewing. In lieu of flowers, the family requests that those who desire make memorial contributions to the Juniata County Historical Society, 498B Jefferson St., Mifflintown, PA 17059. Condolences may be left at www.gussfh.com. | WINDER, Robert Lee (I20864)
44 | Posted by: Jackie Marshall on genforum.com Date: February 21, 2002 at 07:10:25 James MCGLASHAN and wife Minnie resided during their adult years in Muskingum Co., OH. My mother-in-law says that she was Minnie (Wilhelmina) THURLOW, daughter of William & Sarah Ann Morris Thurlow (also THORLA) of Noble Co., OH. I found a website with information that Minnie WINDER daughter of George and Mary Winder of Noble Co, OH married James McGlashan 4 Sep 1875 in Noble County. (that's about the same time our Minnie married a James McGlashan) William Thurlow's wife Sarah Morris died young & the children were farmed out all over the county to different relatives. Could Minnie Winder be Minnie Thurlow? I can't get to their main page to contact the Winder submitter. Jackie | WINDER, Wilhelmina (I1311)
45 | Rector of Belfast | WINDER, Rev. Edward (I23556)
46 | To get a pension Sarah Amelia had to send in documents about her marriage and from the midwives who were present when the four children were born. The original amount was $8.00 per month. In 1866 $2.00 more per month was added. Sarah Amelia Miner married David Williamson 9 March 1865 in Goshen, Elkhart County, Indiana. Sarah A. Williamson was married toDavid Saulsbury on 2 December 1869 by Luther Saulsbury. [Elkhart County Book 6-266] Sarah A. Salesberry was married to John Miner of Raymond, Ri ce County, Kansas August 23 1883 in Elkhart County, Indiana. [The different spellings of Salsbury were in the marriage record book] Sarah and her son, Perry, came back to Kansas with John as they are on the Kansas 1885 census records. John was 63 years old, Sarah was 53 and her son, Perry, was 26. I do not know how long they stayed in Kansas as they were at Sarah's home close to Locke, Indiana when she died 14 February 1894. She was 62 years, 7 months and 28 days old. She was buried in the South Union Cemetery, close to Locke. Later Perry and his family were buried around her. Sarah and Joseph had four children and Sarah did not have any by the other marriages. Children: 42. Amy Josephine born 20 January 1851 in Portage County, Ohio. 43. Mary Elizabeth born 6 July 1855 in Elkhart County, Indiana. 44. Perry Lepson born 11 November 1858 in Elkhart County, Indiana. 45. Ella Louise born 15 May 1861 in Elkhart County, Indiana. | WINDER, Sarah Amelia (I10715)
47 | Will gives son Edmund goodwill tenemen t. REFN1280 | WINDER, John (I14615)
48 | !CENSUS: 1900 - IA, Polk Co., Lee Twsp, Des Moines !CITY DIRECTORY: 1901 - IA, Des Moines, Residence - 510 East 17th !CITY DIRECTORY: 1905 - IA, Des Moines, Residence - 121 East 24th !CITY DIRECTORY: 1909 - IA, Des Moines, Residence - 2427 University A ve. !CENSUS: 1915 - IA, Polk Co., 6th Ward !JOB: Shooting Gallery listed as trade or profession 1915 Census !CITY DIRECTORY: 1923 - MO, Kansas City, Residence 1301 Troost Ave. !CITY DIRECTORY: 1932 - MO, Kansas City, lists Emily as his widow a t 3116 Tracy !DEATH: Missouri State Board of Health, Jackson Co., File NO. 2821 !BURIAL: Mt Moriah Cemetary, Holmes at 105th Street, Kansas City, MO | HARTLEY, James Morlan (I13670)
49 | !JOB: Sang with the Smith Brothers | SMITH, Arthur Lee (I15352)
50 | "Col. John McGavcock of Williamson County, Tennessee, married in the parish of Terrebonne on Wednesday the 6th of inst. by the Rev. Mr. McNari to Miss Caroline E. Winder daughter of Col. V. P. Winder N. O. Delta." The Christian Record, Sat, 23 Dec 1848. | Family: Col. John MCGAVOCK / Caroline Elizabeth WINDER (F5304)