Name |
Birth |
Abt 1730 [1] |
Gender |
Male |
Property |
1752 |
, Lunenburg, Virginia, USA [2] |
Transfer of Wife's Life Estate Interest in the Bilbo Estate |
- Location became Mecklenburg county in 1764.
Mecklenburg County, Virginia. Deed Book 4, page 398. Adam Winders of Halifax County, Virginia, Planter, and Elizabeth, his wife, relict of John Peter Bilbo, convey to Joseph Bilbo of Mecklenburg County the life estate in land left to Elizabeth by John Peter Bilbo, being right and dower of Elizabeth Winders. Note: Elizabeth Bilbo married Adam Winders withen the year after John Peter Bilbo's death; Elizabeth was the administratrix of the Will of her deceased husband, John Peter Bilbo, and was referenced in the November 8, 1752 accounting as: Elizabeth Bilbo Winders, administratrix.>
Road Repair |
3 Apr 1753 |
, Halifax, Virginia, USA [3] |
Ordered to Do Road Repair |
- Lunenburg Co, VA. Road Orders 1746-1764 by Nathaniel Mason Paulett & Tyler Jefferson Boyd., no date p. 61=3 Apr 1753, p. 581. On the motion of William White, It is Ordered that the following hands, to wit, Christopher Hudson & his two Negro's, John Humphris, James Tucker, William Bevil, Adam Winders & his Negro, James Bilbo, John Carrel, William Jones & his two Negro's, Joseph Ragsdales Negro, Warner Tucker, Joseph Greer & his Prentice, Edward Goode & his Negro, Joseph Gill & his, & Robert Hatcher, do assist the said White in Clearing & keeping in Repair the Road whereof the said White is Surveyor.
Tax List |
1755 |
, Halifax, Virginia, USA [4] |
List of Tithables |
- Halifax County (Va.) Lists of Tithables, 1755
List of Land Taxes and Negroes, Return of Robert King for Year 1755; Halifax County, VA
Court Case |
5 Oct 1757 |
, Lunenburg, Virginia, USA [5] |
Adam Winders v James Mitchell |
- Lunenburg Co., VA. OB 4, P 393-5 October Court, 1757
JANE SWEPSTON, Witness for Adam Winders in his suit against James Mitchell, to be paid for 6 days' attendance (See P 392 Adam Winders against James Mitchell, late sheriff, def in case- JURY: John Thornton, Zachariah Baker, Stephen Wade, Arthur Herring, Bartholomew Baker, Henry Thomas, Wade Ward, John Willingham, Thos. Norrice, Wm Robertson, Jos. Billups, Isaac Holmes; Verdict-plaintiff to recover damages agnst Mitchell-Mitchell requests stay of judgement because jurors during consultation on verdict departed/separated fr ea other and were in conversation with divers other persons & other errors of record; stay overruled; verdict stands.
Road Repair |
Sep 1759 |
, Halifax, Virginia, USA [6] |
Court Order for Survey and Road Repair |
- 1759 Sept Court Moore Medlocks is appointed Surveyor of the Road from Miery Creek to the New
Bridge on Banister (River), and it is ordered that he, with James Vaughan, William Gent, William Kerby, Edward Owen, Solomon Owen, Adam Winders, Jesse Chandler, Joseph Land, Thomas Wynne, Richard Eckhols, Joshua Eppes, Richard Estes, Micajah Estes, Hugh Currin, John Owen and his male tithables, George Boyd and his, Patrick Boyd and his, Andrew McCool and his, William Land and Peter Torian, do forthwith clear and keep the said road in repair. (Pg 133/515 Halifax County, Virginia Deeds 1767-1772)
Guardianship |
Mar 1761 |
, Halifax, Virginia, USA [7] |
Appointed Guardian of Susanna Ballew |
Road Repair |
Mar 1764 |
, Halifax, Virginia, USA |
Survey and Road Repair |
- March Court 1764
Jeremiah PATE is appointed Surveyor of the Road from Mirey Ck. to Green Bridge over Bannister River, he and his male laboring tithables and those of, John MOORE, Garrot FITZGERALD, Jacob EVANS, Benjamin HARRISON, George BOYD, Adam WINDERS, James OWEN, Joseph LAND, Evan RAGLAND, Joshua EPPS, John DICKIE, Richard DANIEL, Wm. KERLEY, John NORTHERN, Solomon OWEN, Edward OWEN, Richard ECHOLS, David POWELL, Wm. GENT, Ezekial SLAUGHTER, and James DAVENPORT do clear and keep said road in repair. John MARTIN's license to keep an ordinary in the town of PEYTONSBERG is renewed for 1 year, his security is John DONELSON.
Witness |
20 Aug 1777 |
, Halifax, Virginia, USA |
Witness to Matlock Land Transaction |
- 1777 Aug - "Halifax Co Deeds 1775-1778" pg 38: Deed Bk 10, pg 284, 20 Aug 1777 from Moor Matlock to Zachariah Matlock both of Halifax Co, VA; for 1 shilling, one certain tract of land on the South Side of Banister River on little fork of Polecat Cr, about 100 acres bounded by Henry Thomas, Northern, Fontaine. Signed - Moor (MM his mark) Matlock. Wit: Adam Winders, John Borum, William Thomas, Littleberry (+ his mark) Matlock. Rec: 21 Aug 1777.
Witness |
22 May 1781 |
, Halifax, Virginia, USA |
Witness to Will of James Daniel |
- LDS film #31862 VA Halifax WBs 0-2 Wills, Inv and Accts, Will of James Daniel, dated May 22, 1781; Witness: Adam Winders
Witness |
17 Ma7 1789 |
, Halifax, Virginia, USA |
Witness to Douglass Land Transaction |
- 10581DB 1784-7901788 Halifax 17-May Byrdlines Reed Creek William Douglas Sr and Thomas Douglas Sr of H to John Douglas of H for 100# 2 tracts on the n side of Dan on branches of Reed Creek adj each
other. William Doughass's tract contains 92 acres and Thomas about 42 acres and jointly bounded by Thomas Douglass, David Boyd, William Younger, Byrd's old line, Adam Winders, containing 132 acres. signed, wit Adam Winders, Hope Winders, Henry Boyd, Faith Winders. rec Oct 26 1789
(Note: Henry Boyd had married Reform Winders, daughter of Adam & wife Elizabeth on Aug. 14, 1786, according to a record; Adam's wife Elizabeth apparently
died before 1786, because Adam Winders married a Mary Douglass, Dec. 6, 1788, Halifax Co., VA)
Witness |
13 Nov 1792 |
, Halifax, Virginia, USA |
Witness to the Evan Ragland Will |
- Adam Winders, Reform [Winders] Boyd and Mary Winders witness Evan Ragland will: Halifax County, VA: recorded in Halifax Will Book, No. 3, pp. 187-191 dated November 13, 1792
Land |
27 Apr 1795 |
, Halifax, Virginia, USA |
Sale of Property |
- 10566DB 16 1793-17961795Halifax27-AprBirdlinesReed
Creek Adam Winders of H to John Ragland of H for 207# 10 s 340 ac in H according to the pat granted Sept 20 1759 on the n side of the Dan on Reed Creek bounded by William Youngar's line formerly Bird's line, Fountain's line, William Goar's line, signed, no wit Mary wife release dower rec April 27 1795.
Census |
1800 |
Salisbury, Rockingham, North Carolina, USA |
Federal |
Death |
Abt 1802 |
, Rockingham, North Carolina, USA [8] |
Will |
17 Sep 1802 |
, Rockingham, North Carolina, USA [9] |
Will of Adam Winder |
- Adam WINDER, will dated 17 Sep 1802, no probate date Wife - Mary Children - Elizabeth, Hannah, Reform, Faith, Hope, Epenetus, Extrs. friends John FORREST, Soloman MITCHEL.
_UID |
C22ABFE040FF4F40AA4AB5453D7D2C315E94 |
Person ID |
I24729 |
WinderWonderland |
Last Modified |
14 Feb 2014 |