Winder Wonderland DNA Project
Researching the genealogy of the Winder/Winders/Wynder/etc families.

Name Samuel WINDER Birth Between 1755 and 1774 Gender Male Census 1800 , Bucks, Pennsylvania, USA [1]
federal - 1 male 0-10 1790-1800
1 male 10-15 1785-1790
1 male 26-45 1755-1774 Samuel Winder
2 fem 0-10 1790-1800
1 fem 10-15 1785-1790
2 fem 16-26 1774-1784
1 fem 26-45 1755-1774
_UID EEE730A9CCDE4FE79EA6499ACA1F79374ECD Death Yes, date unknown Person ID I5184 WinderWonderland Last Modified 18 Mar 2014
- 1 male 0-10 1790-1800
Sources - [S79] 1800 Federal Census, Bucks Co, PA, Pg. 242 (Reliability: 0).
- [S79] 1800 Federal Census, Bucks Co, PA, Pg. 242 (Reliability: 0).